
And just like that, it’s the last month of the summer. In Minnesota you try to hang on to these warm summer days as long as you can because you know in a few short months the weather is going to turn on you worse than the person you thought was your friend but really wasn’t after all. Both equally painful.

This summer will be capped off with a short trip to New Mexico with my youngest. We have nothing set in stone yet, except we both want to go to Meow Wolf, an “Immersive Art Adventure”. There will be more on that after we actually go and experience it. You can tell the diffference in the traveling types between me and my husband. He likes to have everything researched and planned out, while I am more of a let’s see what the day brings type of person. Probably planning is better, but I struggle in that area, and I am fortunate that Nadia seems to do ok in both environments.

I wish I could list off all of the things I did this summer, but to be honest, it wasn’t much. I was able to spend some good time with Nadia either thrifting, geocashing, a random trip to the Amish bakery, and things like that. I spent a lot of time working and some time in the pool. My job in hospitality entails me being around a lot of different types of people. Most days after work I need a half an hour or some times more to be by myself and regroup my introverted self. I am one of those people who fall under the introverted/extroverted types. It honestly doesn’t make sense to me how people can be both, yet here I am. I’m sure there is some psychological reasoning to it somewhere.

Amish goodies
Just me

I’m looking forward to the trip in a couple weeks. Time away will be good for me, and time with either of my kids is always well spent. The oldest decided to not join us as she wasn’t interested in seeing New Mexico. This trip was pretty last minute so maybe next summer we can find somewhere we would all like to go. Taking suggestions….

Author: britehope

I’m just a soul going through life trying to figure things out.

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